felicia romero fit 2 fat her magazine

Felicia Romero is a former fitness model turned entrepreneur.  The A&E “Fit To Fat To Fit” reality show star is a trainer, business owner, motivational speaker and has graced the cover of several fitness magazines. On social media, she keeps it real by sharing personal stories of times when her health was struggling and when she felt lost, along with workout videos to keep people on top of their goals.

“Being healthy also means to be mentally healthy,” she tells HER Magazine, “I would love to know that those who follow me are inspired to not feel pressured to be perfect all the time.”

After nearly a decade of bodybuilding competitions, with several wins under her belt including five Pro wins, three top 4 finishes at the Figure International and a top 5 finish at the Figure Olympia, Romero was forced to quit.

“I was suffering from body dysmorphia, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, self-sabotage, binge eating and overall just feeling like I had lost control over my body and also my mind,” she says.

Romero decided it was time to rewrite her story and learned to heal herself.  She tested her endurance by setting goals and accomplishing them.  She’s still involved in the competition world, but on a different scale.  She hosts her very own successful show, The FeliciaRomero Classic, which is a National Physique Committee national qualifier every November.

“I took the time to educate myself and learn what works for me and what doesn’t,” she says.

felicia romero fit to fat her magazine

Romero learned from her struggles and used her passion to evolve FeliciaRomero’s Fit Method, a health club in Gilbert, Arizona.

“Overcoming challenges is a tough one because it is truly 90% mental. We are all going to experience setbacks, things that did not go our way, but it’s how we react to that stress or situation that makes us who we are,” she says.

Romero says it’s never too late to take back your health and she wants to continue to inspire and educate on a broader scale.  “Speaking has always been a passion of mine and I want to continue my journey as a speaker, educator and motivator,” she says.

She uses her platform to encourage people she connects with to be mindful and live in the moment to eliminate the impulsive behavior, bad habits and negative reactions.  Ask yourself “how a certain moment makes us feel or how food makes us feel. Are you hungry or just bored? Are you listening to your body?”

Being mindful allows you to be in the moment and recognize your feelings she says.  “I hope this creates a healthy way of life.”


  1. Start with five minutes of meditation.
  2. Focus on five things you would like to accomplish today.
  3. Write them down so you can stay on track.
  4. Have a glass of water.  She drinks an 8-ounce glass of water with lemon.
  5. Prepare for the day by planning your meals so you can stay on track.