The short answer is yes. Blogging is such a cost-effective and easy way to connect with your customers and followers. The obvious benefit? Content encourages your past clients to stay engaged with you, while attracting new ones. A blog also makes your website more likely to rank in the search engine results, while giving readers a peek into your expertise and personality.

Thinking about launching a new product? Start with writing a blog post about it and see what kind of response you get. It’s one of the best ways to test the demand in the marketplace. If you hear crickets, maybe it’s best to go in a different direction. Either way, you’ll have valuable information before moving forward.

Anyone and everyone seems to have a blog these days. Setting it up is not the problem. The challenge is maintaining it. Providing consistent, quality content takes time, and entrepreneurs are already stretched thin. If you’ve been thinking about adding a blog to your website, consider starting with one piece per month and increasing it from there. If you have a staff or assistants, ask them if anyone enjoys research and writing. Brainstorm ways to make it work.

Still not convinced adding a blog to your business is worthwhile? We thought you may need a little nudge.

Here are 4 reasons why it will be worth your time.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization sounds complicated but in short, SEO makes it easier for search engines like Google and Yahoo to find your website. The more content on your site, the more opportunities you have for Google to see and rank your site. With each blog post, you can address common questions that your clients are already searching for online. For example, if you’d like to market your business to young working mothers, you could post a blog about how to make the daycare drop-off a little less painful. Tip: try titles of your blog posts with topics you know your population is already searching for.

Share Your Expertise

Keeping an active blog is a perfect opportunity to establish yourself as an expert in your field. This is especially helpful if your business is new. By sharing valuable, free content, you will begin to establish trust with your audience. It also allows your audience to get to know you better, and this is where your blog is critical. The key is to connect with your potential clients/customers. When it comes to buying products and services online, there are literally millions of options. We want to feel a connection to the person or business we’re buying from, so don’t be afraid to share part of your personal life with your audience. Sharing about what goes on behind the scenes or even your dog’s birthday party will instantly establish a connection with your reader (and future customer!)

Find the other two reasons your business needs a blog inside HER Magazine. Access January’s issue by downloading our magazine in iTunes or Google Play.