Anyone who promises you the holy grail in business (more time freedom, limitless income potential) is painting a pretty picture to make a pretty penny. And we all know what…
What if it took your Business a decade to succeed?
What if it took you ten years to see success? Would you still do it? If your answer is no – get out. Out of business that is. I’m always putting…
Who comes First in Business?
Being a woman in business comes with a unique set of challenges. Women have described it to me as the equivalent of raising a baby or toddler. I’m not saying…
Thank you for being part of our mission.
What if we all followed our purpose? What if we found the courage to boldly blaze our own path? Together, we’d change the world. We’d create impact that would last beyond our lifetimes. …
VIDEO: Building a Travel Agency from the Ground Up
What does it take to build a travel agency? Natalee Fox’s journey began when she was faced with a tough decision after the department of the company she worked for…
Ready for a Career Switch? Read this first.
After a decade in broadcast news, I took a leap: I left my job to start this very magazine. I have no regrets about that choice, but that doesn’t mean…
Change happens when we have Real Conversations
I’m humbled. I learned a valuable lesson, and it was thanks to the compassion of a rape victim who just so happens to also be a liberal. But what difference…
Was Ashley Judd’s performance empowering or hateful rhetoric?
I know it’s a polarizing question. You’re either going to hate or love me for this. Ashley Judd does not represent me as a woman. And I mean let’s be…
Can you be a Pro-Life Feminist? A Conversation worth listening to.
Hundreds of thousands of women are marching through the streets of Washington D.C. and across the country and even worldwide – but is their message united? The organizers of the…
The new War on Women: Calling out Ivanka Trump.
There’s no winning for Ivanka Trump. In fact – there may be no winning for women who either supported her father in Election 2016 or supported the GOP and voted…
Meryl Streep is the Left’s new hero and the Right’s new enemy
Meryl Streep is my hero at the Golden Globes! No, that’s not a quote from me. And neither is, “Most of the political rhetoric coming from these spoiled, preening and pretentious…
Why I’m not a Mom: my message to women who struggle with infertility
This has been tough. Digging in deep enough to let you in, but I promised myself to be authentic with you. I was hoping this letter would be celebratory. After…
Did your business fall flat on its face in 2016?
You’re full of hope for 2017, but you don’t really have a plan. You think you’ve read just about everything, even attended some seminars – paid for coursework, but you’re still stagnant. …